Hair Growth
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Best Vitamins for Hair Growth: Complete List

How to Support Hair Growth with Vitamins

Vitamins aim to fuel every need of your hair to make it strong, long and thick. A healthy hair is a sign of good health. Like your body, the hair strands need nutrients to grow strong. You have tried everything with chemicals and gels but your hair refuses to grow instead it looks patchy and thin.

Maintaining the hair is not only done using chemicals or gels but all-natural nutrients are required to boost its growth. If your hair gets the requisite nutrients, then it will exude a shiny and healthy glow. You can fake strands with volumizing creams, shampoos, and gels to get vibrant appearance but all these are temporary.

Vitamins can help you regrow your hair. Believe it or not, you can take a plunge and go for Mia Farrow’s crop or Brigitte Bardot’s peek-a-boo’s fringe.

Best Vitamins for Hair Growth

You can treat your hair using hair growing vitamins and the end result will be admirable. Which vitamins should you try? Let’s weigh the facts about various vitamins such as A, Biotin, B12 behind hair growth.

  1. Vitamin A

    Ever noticed how your hair gets dry and brittle with dandruff? Annoying isn’t it? Vitamin A produces scalp oil called Sebum. The oily and waxy substance lubricates the skin and hair keeping healthy.
    The body just requires the right amount of vitamins, an excess of this nutrient may turn toxic in the body particularly for pregnant women who may have birth defects or miscarriages. Vitamin A can be found in vegetables such as carrots, pumpkins, spinach, kales, liver and sweet potatoes. It is also found in animal products such as milk and yogurt.

  2. Vitamin B

    B2 (Riboflavin), B3 (Niacin) and B1 (Thiamine) nourish your hair follicle cells.
    B5 (Pantothenic Acid) makes the hair shiny and flexible.
    B12 helps in cell division and production of your red blood cells which affects your hair quality. The process of cell division affects the production of new hair.
    B6- helps with red blood cell production and turning food to energy. It is important for skin consequently keeping the hair healthy. It helps your hair follicle get enough keratin and melanin promoting hair growth and renewal.
    B7- Biotin is also called vitamin H can be considered as food for your hair. It transports oxygen to the hair follicles, scalp and other body tissues. Biotin improves the body’s Keratin infrastructure. So what it’s all about? Keratin is a fibrous protein making up 80% of your hair.
    And you know what? It contributes to your hair strength and density. Your body will use biotin to produce amino acids which then gets converted to keratin. Some of the best sources of biotin are liver and egg yolk. Because you need much of the vital vitamins may have to supplement.
    A good source of this vitamin is foods such as whole grains, avocado, almonds, fish, beef, eggs and leafy green vegetables.

  3. Vitamin C

    Production of free radicals increases with age whereas the quantity of anti-oxidative enzymes defending your body declines. Well, this causes damage to your cellular structures causing aging to your hair.
    Vitamin C also helps the body absorb iron which is very important in hair growth. A good source of this Vitamin is fruits such as strawberries, citrus, and peppers. The body just needs the right amount of this nutrient only, an excess of it can be dangerous.

  4. Vitamin D

    Vitamin D is believed to enhance the growth of hair by keeping the skin and bone health. A lot of research has been done, even though the reports are inconclusive, it is important for your body to have this particular nutrient. It creates new hair follicles thus it is believed to pave the way for hair to grow.
    The best source of Vitamin D is sunlight. Forget not the sunscreen! Your body converts the sun rays it receives to Vitamin D once it comes into contact with the skin. Food sources include tuna, egg yolk, salmon, liver, and cheese.

  5. Zinc

    Zinc keeps your scalp conditioned and prevents dandruff. Also, your hair will be kept shaft healthy and strong. The does not naturally store zinc so, you can receive it from dietary sources like red meats, wheat germs, egg yolk, pumpkin seeds and shrimp.

Final Thoughts

The simple truth is that your hair is always growing. Admittedly, all humans have a specific rate at which the hair grows. According to CDC (Center for Disease Control), your hair grows averagely at a rate of 0.5 inches per month. Hair growth is determined by certain factors like genetics, age, ethnicity, and sex. Stresses, illnesses, and diet may impede the growth of your hair as well. How you handle and care for your hair determines its length.

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