Articles in Journals

of Dr. William Sen


Articles in Misc Journals (Selection)

Selected articles I have published over the years in different journals.

Work at IfeM

William worked for the research institute IfeM (Institute for e-Management) in 2004, and was involved in IT projects involving corporations such as T-Mobile and Shell, often meeting with the top management and board members of those companies, as an expert for SaaS, SEO and Software Development.

IfeM was running many Internet portals at that time, and publishing articles. William also took the liberty of writing for them, later becoming a partner. Some the selected articles published during that time are listed here.

Work at Investor Village

In 2001 William worked for Prof. Dr. Max Otte at the investor portal Investor Village, run by one of Germany’s largest communication companies Freenet.

While he was a software developer responsible for building the CMS and real time stock exchange course graphics using APIs, he was aware that he was working for the financial legend Max Otte. William took the chance to learn everything he could about financing, investing and the stock market, and was later able to write articles as a financial analyst.

Some of these articles from that period are listed the end of this list.

Misc Journals

Articles written by Dr. William Sen (selection)

e-Learning e-Learning in Germany
At the Edge of the Growth Stage

November 14, 2015 | DOK Magazine No. #5-15
Language: German
Original title: E-Learning in Deutschland – am Anfang der Wachstumsphase

Privacy Protection Privacy Protection Myth in Social Media
Judical Gossip in Germany

March 14, 2015 | T3N Magazine
Language: German
Original title: Mythos Datenschutz in Social Media – Klatsch und Rechtsgetratsche in Deutschland

Social Media Entities Social Media Monitoring with Entity Analysis
September, 2012 | DOK Magazine No. #4-12
Language: German
Original title: Mythos Datenschutz in Social Media – Klatsch und Rechtsgetratsche in Deutschland

Social Media Strategie Social Media Needs a Strategy
Uh-huh, and why?

June, 2012 | DOK Magazine #6-12
Language: German
Original title: Social Media braucht eine Strategie. Aha! – Und warum?

Kim Schmitz The Sealed Fate of Kim Schmitz (Kim Dotcom)
Mega-Prison for Megaupload owner Kim Dotcom and the FBI’s role

February 2, 2012 | Telepolis/heise Magazine
Language: German
Original title: Das besiegelte Schicksal von Kim Schmitz

Legal, Illegal, Scheißegal Legal, illegal — who cares!
April, 2006 | taz No. 7948
Language: German
Original title: Legal, illegal, scheißegal

Die ersten Hacker The First Hackers
World of Digital Piracy

March 4th, 2006 | junge Welt, die Tageszeitung
Language: German
Original title: Die ersten Hacker

Lawrance Lessig Interview Lawrence Lessig: Copy Protection Should Vanish
March 3th, 2006 | Süddeutsche Newspaper
Language: German
Original title: Kopierschutz sollte verschwinden

Webknowledge Self Regulation Instead of Control
March 4th, 2004 | Wissenskapital
Language: German
Original title: Selbstregulation statt Kontrolle

Webknowledge Is e-Learning Dead?
September 12h, 2004 | Competence Site
Language: German
Original title: Selbstregulation statt Kontrolle

Webknowledge How to Crack the Search Engine Algorithm
August 18th, 2004 | Wissenskapital
Language: German
Original title: So knackt man Suchmaschinen

Webknowledge Google’s New Competitors
August 17th, 2004 | Wissenskapital
Language: German
Original title: Neue Konkurrenz für Google

Meta Tags Importance of Meta Tags
June 13h, 2004| Competence Site
Language: German
Original title: Wie sinnvoll sind eigentlich Meta-Tags

Webknowledge How to Handle Link Popularity
May 28th, 2004 | Wissenskapital
Language: German
Original title: Was ist eigentlich Click Popularity?

Efficient SEO Ranking Call to Attention with SEM
Rankings with Search Engine Marketing
May 23th, 2004 | Competence Site via Handelsblatt
Language: German
Original title: Effizientes Ranking mit SEM?

Webknowledge Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
A Niche Market
April 4th, 2004 | Wissenskapital
Language: German
Original title: Search Engine Marketing (SEM) als Nischenmarkt?

Webknowledge What’s This SEM/SEO Anyway?
April 4th, 2004 | Wissenskapital
Language: German
Original title: Was ist eigentlich SEM/SEO?

Webknowledge The Open Directory Project (DMOZ)
February 29th, 2004 | Wissenskapital
Language: German
Original title: Das Open Directory Project (DMOZ)

Investor Village The Internet Boom
Beginnings and Finishings
March 27th, 2001 | Investor Village at
Language: German
Original title: Das Internet Boom – Anfang und Ende

Investor Village The Internet as Your Basic Need
March 4th, 2001 | Investor Village at
Language: German
Original title: Internet als Grundbedürfnis

Investor Village What makes eBay better than
March 4th, 2001 | Investor Village at
Language: German
Original title: Was macht eBay besser als

Social Media Magazine

Articles in the Social Media Magazine

A selection of articles William has published for the Social Media Magazine.


The History of the Social Media Magazine

During his time at infospeed, the Marketing Department was looking for an idea to address their clients with quarterly information. William was sure that his clients — all of them top management — wouldn’t have time to read newsletters or any other quarterly agency information.

So, William came up with the idea of an independent magazine and founded the first Social Media Magazine in Germany in 2010. It was such a success that William had to form a publishing company for it. Almost all his clients knew the magazine without knowing though that the company infospeed was behind it. When in need to demonstrate their USPs — like during a pitch — the team members would surprise their potential clients or leads by telling them that it is infospeed that owns and writes the magazine.

During that time, Dr. William Sen wrote articles for the magazine.

Give years after the first issue of the magazine was released, it was still one of best selling and profitable magazines of its kind, and most importantly: every employee in the company loved it.

William’s articles published on the Social Media Magazine from 2010-2015:

Social Media Magazine Social Media Magazine 2014-04

ISSN: 2190-4863
Released:November 2014
Price: €28.00

All Articles written by Dr. William Sen in this issue are listed below:

Web 1.0 The Way Back to Web 1.0
November 2014 | Social Media Magazin No. 2014-IV
Language: German
Original title: Der Weg zurück zu Web 1.0

Facebook Marketing Is Facebook Just a Click-Generator?
November 2014 | Social Media Magazin No. 2014-IV
Language: German
Original title: Facebook nur ein Klick-Generator

Social Media Automobil Social Media in the Automobile Sector
November, 2014 | Social Media Magazin No. 2014-IV
Language: German
Original title: Social Media in der Automobilbranche

WordPress The Success of WordPress
Misinterpretation of Statistics
November, 2014 | Social Media Magazin No. 2014-IV
Language: German
Original title: Der Erfolg von WordPress mit falschen Zahlen

Social Media Magazine Social Media Magazine 2014-03

ISSN: 2190-4863
Released:August 2014
Price: €28.00

All Articles written by Dr. William Sen in this issue are listed below:

Cause and Effect Cause and Effect
August, 2014 | Social Media Magazin No. 2014-III
Language: German
Original title: Ursache und Wirkung

Social Media Analytics Social Media Analytics with Only One Click
The Importance of Entitites
August, 2014 | Social Media Magazin No. 2014-III
Language: German
Original title: Social Media Analytics mit nur einem Klick

Don Quijote The Don Quijote in Companies
Why Companies Fail in Social Media
August, 2014 | Social Media Magazin No. 2014-III
Language: German
Original title: Der Don Quijote im Unternehmen

Social Media Magazine Social Media Magazine 2014-02

ISSN: 2190-4863
Released:June 2014
Price: €28.00

All Articles written by Dr. William Sen in this issue are listed below:

Save Facebook Did Steve Jobs Save Facebook?
June, 2014 | Social Media Magazin No. 2014-II
Language: German
Original title: Hat Steve Jobs Facebook gerettet?

Social Media Magazine Social Media Magazine 2014-01

ISSN: 2190-4863
Released:March 2014
Price: €28.00

All Articles written by Dr. William Sen in this issue are listed below:

Virality Virality
March, 2014 | Social Media Magazin No. 2014-I
Language: German
Original title: Viralität

Social Media Magazine Social Media Magazine 2013-04

ISSN: 2190-4863
Released:October 2013
Price: €28.00

All Articles written by Dr. William Sen in this issue are listed below:

Complex Social Media Complex Social Media
October, 2013 | Social Media Magazin No. 2013-IV
Language: German
Original title: Social Media Komplex

Social Media Monitoring Social Media Monitoring at the dmexco
October, 2013 | Social Media Magazin No. 2013-IV
Language: German
Original title: Social Media Monitoring auf der dmexco

Social Media Analysis Tools The End for cost-free Social Media Analysis Tools
October, 2013 | Social Media Magazin No. 2013-IV
Language: German
Original title: Das Ende der kostenfreien Social-Media-Analyse-Tools

Facebook Marketing Is Facebook Marketing Just an Illusion?
October, 2013 | Social Media Magazin No. 2013-IV
Language: German
Original title: Ist Facebook Marketing nur eine Illusion?

Social Media Magazine Social Media Magazine 2013-03

ISSN: 2190-4863
Released:July 2013
Price: €28.00

All Articles written by Dr. William Sen in this issue are listed below:

Reputational Damage Reputational Damage on the Internet
July, 2013 | Social Media Magazin No. 2013-III
Language: German
Original title: Rufschädigung im Internet

SEO with Review Portals SEO with Review Portals
July, 2013 | Social Media Magazin No. 2013-III
Language: German
Original title: SEO mit Bewertungsportalen

Twitter SEO Twitter SEO
July, 2013 | Social Media Magazin No. 2013-III
Language: German
Original title: Twitter SEO

Bad Robot Bad Robot
What are Search Engines allowed to do?
July, 2013 | Social Media Magazin No. 2013-III
Language: German
Original title: Was dürfen Suchmaschinen?

Illegal Data Market Illegal Data Market
The Social Media Monitoring Legal Concept
July, 2013 | Social Media Magazin No. 2013-III
Language: German
Original title: Illegaler Datenhandel

Social Media Magazine Social Media Magazine 2013-02

ISSN: 2190-4863
Released:April 2013
Price: €28.00

All Articles written by Dr. William Sen in this issue are listed below:

Social SEO Social SEO
A New Discipline
April, 2013 | Social Media Magazin No. 2013-II
Language: German

Wikipedia I am the Knowledge!
Wikipedia’s Power Game
April, 2013 | Social Media Magazin No. 2013-II
Language: German
Original title: Das Wissen bin ich!

Wikipedia SEO Wikipedia SEO
More Traffic Thanks to Wikipedia?
April, 2013 | Social Media Magazin No. 2013-II
Language: German
Original title: Wikipedia SEO

Forum SEO Forum SEO
A Supreme Discipline
April, 2013 | Social Media Magazin No. 2013-II
Language: German
Original title: Forum SEO

Facebook SEO Facebook SEO
April, 2013 | Social Media Magazin No. 2013-II
Language: German
Original title: Facebook SEO

Social Media Magazine Social Media Magazine 2013-01

ISSN: 2190-4863
Released:February 2013
Price: €28.00

All Articles written by Dr. William Sen in this issue are listed below:

The Search for KPIs The Search for KPIs
February, 2013 | Social Media Magazin No. 2013-I
Language: German
Original title: Die Suche nach KPIs

Social Media Experts When Social Media Experts Talk Nonsense
February, 2013 | Social Media Magazin No. 2013-I
Language: German
Original title: Wenn Social-Media-Experten Blödsinn erzählen

Usenet The History of the Usenet
February, 2013 | Social Media Magazin No. 2013-I
Language: German
Original title: Die Geschichte des Usenet

Social Media Magazine Social Media Magazine 2012-04

ISSN: 2190-4863
Released:October 2012
Price: €28.00

All Articles written by Dr. William Sen in this issue are listed below:

Issue Management Issue Management on Two Fronts
October, 2012 | Social Media Magazin No. 2012-IV
Language: German
Original title: Issue Management auf zwei Fronten

Social Media Magazine Social Media Magazine 2012-03

ISSN: 2190-4863
Released:July 2012
Price: €28.00

All Articles written by Dr. William Sen in this issue are listed below:

Manager’s Adventures Manager’s Adventures in Wonderland
July, 2012 | Social Media Magazin No. 2012-III
Language: German
Original title: Manager im Wunderland

Big Data Big Data
How to Make More from Less
July, 2012 | Social Media Magazin No. 2012-III
Language: German
Original title: Wie man aus weniger mehr macht

First Social Media Monitoring The First Social Media Monitoring
with Ford
July, 2012 | Social Media Magazin No. 2012-III
Language: German
Original title: Das erste Social Media Monitoring

Ford FanAward Ford FanAward 2012
How to Repeat Social Media Success
July, 2012 | Social Media Magazin No. 2012-III
Language: German
Original title: Ford FanAward

Fall of Failure From the Hall of Fame to the Fall of Failure
Hereos of the Past
July, 2012 | Social Media Magazin No. 2012-III
Language: German
Original title: Abstieg vom Aufstieg

Social Media Magazine Social Media Magazine 2012-01

ISSN: 2190-4863
Released:January 2012
Price: €28.00

All Articles written by Dr. William Sen in this issue are listed below:

Social Media Era Management in the Social Media Era
January, 2012 | Social Media Magazin No. 2012-I
Language: German
Original title: Management im Social-Media-Zeitalter

Social Media Magazine Social Media Magazine 2011-04

ISSN: 2190-4863
Released:October 2011
Price: €28.00

All Articles written by Dr. William Sen in this issue are listed below:

The Year 2035 The Year 2035
The Future of Social Media
October, 2011 | Social Media Magazin No. 2011-IV
Language: German
Original title: Die Zukunft von Social Media

The Future of Google and Facebook The Future of Google and Facebook
Friends & Foes
October, 2011 | Social Media Magazin No. 2011-IV
Language: German
Original title: Die Zukunft von Google und Facebook

Social Media Magazine Social Media Magazine 2011-03

ISSN: 2190-4863
Released:August 2011
Price: €28.00

All Articles written by Dr. William Sen in this issue are listed below:

The Strategic Social Media Window The Strategic Social Media Window
August, 2011 | Social Media Magazin No. 2011-III
Language: German
Original title: Das strategische Social-Media-Fenster

Studies How to Buy Yourself into Studies
Questionable Comparisons and Rankings
August, 2011 | Social Media Magazin No. 2011-III
Language: German
Original title: Käufliche Erwähnungen in Studien

Exploiting Freedom Exploiting Freedom to make Profit
How Literature Becomes Mass-Product
August, 2011 | Social Media Magazin No. 2011-III
Language: German
Original title: Profit aus Freiheit

Social Media with No Sense Social Media with No Sense
How Users are Being Fooled by Content
August, 2011 | Social Media Magazin No. 2011-III
Language: German
Original title: Social Media ohne Verstand

Topic Monitoring Topic Monitoring
Social Media Analysis of Topics & Issues
August, 2011 | Social Media Magazin No. 2011-III
Language: German
Original title: Themenmonitoring

Social Media Magazine Social Media Magazine 2011-02

ISSN: 2190-4863
Released:April 2011
Price: €28.00

All Articles written by Dr. William Sen in this issue are listed below:

First to Understand First to Understand, Then to Engage
April, 2011 | Social Media Magazin No. 2011-II
Language: German
Original title: Erst verstehen, dann handeln

The Magic Spell of Facebook Twitter The Magic Spell of Facebook & Twitter
What Bill Gates Knew Before We Did
April, 2011 | Social Media Magazin No. 2011-II
Language: German
Original title: Die Zauberformel von Facebook & Twitter

Social Media Magazine Social Media Magazine 2011-01

ISSN: 2190-4863
Released:January 2011
Price: €28.00

All Articles written by Dr. William Sen in this issue are listed below:

Tales of Social Media Tales of Social Media
January, 2011 | Social Media Magazin No. 2011-I
Language: German
Original title: Märchen in Social Media

Community Media Social or Community Media?
A Guide for Digital Immigrants
January, 2011 | Social Media Magazin No. 2011-I
Language: German
Original title: Social Media ist nicht “Soziale Medien”

Social Media Magazine Social Media Magazine 2010-03

ISSN: 2190-4863
Released:October 2010
Price: €28.00

All Articles written by Dr. William Sen in this issue are listed below:

Social Media Hype Social Media Hype
October 2010 | Social Media Magazin No. 2010-III
Language: German
Original title: Social Media Hype

Social Media Buzzwords The New Social Media Buzzwords
October 2010 | Social Media Magazin No. 2010-III
Language: German
Original title: Buzzword Radar in Social Media

Social Media Measurement Social Media Measurement
Performance Indicators for Reach
October 2010 | Social Media Magazin No. 2010-III
Language: German
Original title: Kennzahlen für Reichweiten

Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence for the Social Web
Human versus Machine in Data Mining
October 2010 | Social Media Magazin No. 2010-III
Language: German
Original title: Künstliche Intelligenz

Law in Social Media Using the Law in Social Media
React to Bad Reviews Appropriately
October 2010 | Social Media Magazin No. 2010-III
Language: German
Original title: Social Media Abmahnung

Social Media Guidelines Social Media Guidelines
… because they don’t know what they’re doing
October 2010 | Social Media Magazin No. 2010-III
Language: German
Original title: Social Media Guidelines

Social Media Stories The Most Popular Social Media Stories
October 2010 | Social Media Magazin No. 2010-III
Language: German
Original title: Die beliebtesten Social Media Stories

Social Media Audit Social Media Audit
October 2010 | Social Media Magazin No. 2010-III
Language: German
Original title: Über die Bestandsaufnahme zur individuellen Strategie

web2monitor Introducing web2monitor
The Specialized Search Engine
October 2010 | Social Media Magazin No. 2010-III
Language: German
Original title: Vorgestellt: web2monitor


Scientific Publications (Selection)

A small selection of scientific articles published by Dr. William Sen as an Information Scientist


Video Emotions Indexing of Emotions in Videos
Knautz et al.
Information, Wiss. & Praxis Magazine | HH University
Language: German

Object of our empirical research study are depicted and provoked emotions in videos. Are users able to index such emotions consistently? Are the users’ votes usable for emotional video retrieval?

We worked with a controlled vocabulary for nine basic emotions (love, happiness, enjoyment, surprise, desire, sadness, anger, disgust, and fear), a scroll bar for adjusting the emotions’ intensities, and the approach of broad folksonomies. Different users tagged the same videos. The test persons had the task to index the emotions of 20 videos (reprocessed movies from YouTube). We got data from 776 participants and could analyze all in all 279,360 scroll bar values. The consistency of the users’ votes is very high; there are stable tag distributions for the emotions of the particular videos. The final shape of the distributions will be reached by the tagging activities of only few users (less than 100). Applying the approach of power tags it is possible to separate the pivotal emotions of every document – if there is any feeling at all. Those documentspecific emotions establish the basis of an emotional information retrieval (EmIR) system.

Information, Wissenschaft & Praxis Information Retrieval with Unstructured Data
William Sen
DGI – German Institute for Information Science
Language: German

A business’ need for knowledge and information from the Social Web has increased. Even thought there is a huge amount of data available on the Social Web, much of it has no standardized structure and is therefore unsuitable for social media analysis and data mining.

Thus, a new industry of specialized search engines has been developed. Other than popular search engines, these specialized technologies are able to crawl data in a structured way. This paper deals with specialized crawlers and technologies. It also shows and explains the social media monitoring tool called web2monitor.

Forum Concept Concept for Determining Relevance of Internet Forums and Their Postings
D. Grimm / Lead Researcher: William Sen
Institut für e-Management (Research Institute), January 2012
Language: German

In this paper, a concept for the development of KPIs for measuring Internet forums and their postings will be presented.

Based on the former research of Dr. William Sen, this paper discussed the importance and reach of how Internet forums impact a company’s brand and reputation. This research deals with this topic by developing real KPIs to determine what kind of Internet forum should be monitored by companies and when. This method will also demonstrate how companies can benefit from such KPIs and how it can be implemented into a management information system.

Forum Concept SEM/SEO: Search Engine Marketing/Search Engine Optimization
Natural Listings with Focus on Google
Institut für e-Management (Research Institute) | March 12th, 2004

Language: German

Will link popularity of search engines in the future no longer aim to merely list quantitative information to the users, but to gain the satisfaction through collection of relevant information? Will this mean that website operators lose the ability through the use of certain methods to influence their listing in search engines? This paper examines these questions.

If they concentrate on more content based information, rather than classic search engine optimization techniques, search engines such as Google may be easily manipulated. On this basis, the two practical methods of SEM / SEO (Search Engine Marketing / Search Engine Optimization) are being researched and explained in this thesis. The research deals with all the new methods of content-based SEO and describes their use based on different scientific models.

Amiga Workbench 1.3

Amiga Magazines

Articles by William Sen he wrote for the Amiga Magazine in the 8-bit era.

Amiga Plus was the famous Commodore Amiga magazine in Germany. William Sen had his first Commodore Amiga computer when he was 16, and he loved it ever since.

He was picked up by the Amiga magazine publisher after the success of my book “Hackerland”. Even though he was fully employed by several IT companies at that time, he took this honor and wrote in his spare time for the sake of his childhood memories.

Amiga Plus Magazine

Amiga plus Magazine in 1991

Amiga Plus Team

Amiga Plus Team 1999


Amiga Plus The Life of a Virus Programmer
by William Sen
January 2002 | AMIGA plus No. 2002-1
Languages: German | English
Original title: Aus dem Leben eines Virenprogrammierers

Amiga Plus Wau Holland: The Death of a Hacker Legend
by William Sen
May 2001 | AMIGA plus No. 2001-5
Language: German
Original title: Der Tod einer Hackerlegende

Amiga Plus The Cap’n Crunch Story
The Hacker with the Whistle
by William Sen
September 2001 | AMIGA plus No. 2001-9
Language: German

Amiga Plus The Core of The Demo Scene
by William Sen
May 2001 | AMIGA plus No. 2001-5
Language: German
Original title: Die Organe der Demoszene

Amiga Plus The Mysterious Death of a Hacker
by William Sen
May 2001 | AMIGA plus No. 2001-5
Language: German
Original title: Tron – der mysteriöse Tod eines Hackers

Amiga Plus The Kimble Story
by William Sen
December 2000 | AMIGA plus No. 2000-12
Language: German
Original title: Die Geschichte von Kim Dotcom, ehemals Kim Schmitz

Amiga Plus A Flashback into the Scene History
by William Sen
September 2000 | AMIGA plus No. 2000-9
Language: German
Original title: Die Geschichte von Kim Dotcom, ehemals Kim Schmitz

Amiga Plus Scoopex: Generations Ahead
by William Sen
January 2000 | AMIGA plus No. 2000-6
Language: German

Amiga Plus Cologne Conference 99 Party Report
by William Sen, Denis Moschitto
January 2000 | amigaOS No. 2000-1
Language: German
Original title: Cracker: düstere Figuren

Amiga Plus Cologne Conference 99 Party Report
by William Sen, Denis Moschitto
January 2000 | amigaOS No. 2000-1
Language: German
Original title: Cracker: düstere Figuren

Amiga OS Magazine Cracker: Obscure Characters
by William Sen, Denis Moschitto
September 1999 | amigaOS No. 1999-9
Language: German
Original title: Cracker: düstere Figuren

Amiga OS Magazine Digibooster Professional
by William Sen, Denis Moschitto
September 1999 | amigaOS No. 1999-9
Language: German

Amiga OS Magazine World of Amiga ’99
by William Sen, Denis Moschitto
September 1999 | amigaOS No. 1999-9
Language: German

Amiga OS Magazine Making of: Demo
by William Sen, Denis Moschitto, Nico Barbat
August 1999 | amigaOS No. 1999-8
Language: German

Amiga OS Magazine Mekka & Symposium 99 Party Report
by William Sen, Denis Moschitto
June 1999 | amigaOS No. 1999-6
Language: German

Amiga OS Magazine The Scene in the Internet
by William Sen, Denis Moschitto, Nico Barbat
May 1999 | amigaOS No. 1999-5
Language: German
Original title: Die Szene im Internet

Amiga OS Magazine Diskmags – the Voice of The Scene
by William Sen, Denis Moschitto, Nico Barbat
April 1999 | amigaOS No. 1999-4
Language: German
Original title: Diskmags – das Sprachrohr der Szene

Amiga OS Magazine The Party – the 8th Time!
by William Sen, Denis Moschitto, Nico Barbat
March 1999 | amigaOS No. 1999-3
Language: German
Original title: The Party – das achte Mal

Amiga OS Magazine TThe Scene is Alive!
by William Sen, Denis Moschitto, Nico Barbat
February 1999 | amigaOS No. 1999-2
Language: German
Original title: Die Szene lebt!

Contact William Sen

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